Thursday, December 1, 2011

When things get choppy

Have I mentioned my OBSESSION with Pinterest? While perusing my boards this morning I saw this familiar post...

That is powerful. What does the devil say when I wake up? I am sad to say I think it is more like…

"Here comes my muse."

Recently, I have been feeling more and more like I am working For him and not AGAINST him. Between no sleep, surgery, the holidays , and remodeling and redecorating, my PATIENCE has been worn thin. My voice has been raised, I have used words I care not to repeat. I have allowed my circumstances to determine my mood.

Reading my "Raising Homemakers" (click to read) email this morning I was reminded,

"Little ones especially need to know that how they are loved will not change even if they are out of hand or circumstances get a bit choppy."

I LOVE MY CHILDREN. When they hurt, I hurt. And when I am doing the hurting a hole is made in my soul. Father, please give me the peace that comes only from you. Help these imperfect moments become a chance to teach them your WORD. Save me (and my kids) from my sin.



  1. This comes at the perfect time for me. Yesterday was a day I'd like to erase from my memory forever. I yelled at my kids, had no patience, it was horrible. My post today was about the very same thing.
    Thank you for letting me know I am not alone. :)
    Hope you have a better today.

  2. Its those times when our patience is worn thin and we thnk we have an excuse to just break down and be grumpy that we can look Satan in the face and say "Hey. I'm not on your team. I'm going to be nice!"
    It sure isn't easy, but how would we grow if it was easy?
